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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Half of British Men Would Swap Sex for 50-Inch TV

This one is very interesting .Beleive it or not nearly half of British men surveyed would give up sex for six months in return for a 50-inch plasma TV, a survey perhaps unsurprisingly carried out for a firm selling televisions .Electrical retailer Comet surveyed 2,000 Britons, asking them what they would give up for a large television, one of the latest consumer "must-haves."
The firm found 47 percent of men would give up sex for half a year, compared to just over a third of women.According to the firm it seems that size really does matter more for men than women.
A quarter of people said they would give up smoking, with roughly the same proportion willing to give up chocolate.Crazy Britishers...!!!

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